Tab/Mobile Based Inquiry-Form, Self Entry By Student, Works Online/Offline and Auto Sync To Server
Inquiry Form - On Tab/Smart Phone filled by Student

Inquiry List - On Tab/Smart Phone

Its time to fill inquiry from Tab or Smart Phone by candidate itself. Generally a counsellor fill inquiry-form by asking candidate details, its all on paper. After that its entered into Excel File or Software System. We experienced below problems in this kind of work-process:
- Your counsellor is doing the same entry twice, one on paper-form and another into software system or Excel. It more time consuming.
- Mistake in record entry - wrong email and phone, both are very important to followup.
- Its outdated and off-trends
EISDigital Mobile App comes with Inquiry-Form feature which is fill by student directly. Our many clients experienced this feature highly useful. Because record is directly prepared and stored(or sync) in cloud system. When the details are entered by candidate itself, there is less chances for error on email or phone or any other detail. In fact students are more comfortable in providing details on Tab/Phone instead of paper-inquiry-form.
This smart Phone or Tab inquiry-form works on both online and offline modes. When there is no internet connectivity, the inquiry detail is stored in phone-database and later it will be automatically sync/stored in cloud system when connect to internet.
Its for go-green, go-digital. Also the Hi-Tech impression of your coaching center - its a first impression on student ! It matters always.